June 9


My Mom & Dads anniversary party was a smashing success!

By Richard Weberg

June 9, 2021

My wife and me hosted my Mom and Dads 35th wedding anniversary party at our property this weekend, and it turned out fabulous!

Now my biological father died when I was only 1, so my Mom and Dennis Gilbertson got married when I was 15, and I am 50 now, so Dennis has been my Dad now for 35 years.

Dennis is my Dad, and my hero!


He is the one who taught me how to be a man, and to have integrity. He has given me so much, I love him with every beat of me.

So this was a big celebration for me as well, because their anniversary date, is the date my hero, my Dad became permanently part of my life.


Thanks Mom for giving me another hero in my life, you were my first Mom!


It was extra special for me to be able to host my Mom & Dads 35th wedding anniversary party. They both mean the world to me and are such amazing people!


Dennis and Ann Gilbertson 35th wedding anniversary dance.

Dennis and Ann Gilbertson 35th anniversary


My sister Susan made this very nice video from some pics from the party, and posted it to Facebook. I had to record it off Facebook, as it was the only way for me to post it here. I got to say, it made me eyes leak…lol

The audio is not as good as the original here.


It took us several weeks to prepare for my parents anniversary party.

We actually built an octagon gazebo for it, which you will see in some of the pictures below.

Had to plan everything out just right, to make it all come together nicely for them.

Many friends and family members contributed to making it all happen. I Appreciate everyone that helped out so much!

Me and my middle son, Joshua Weberg, smoked 3 pork butts and 2 huge briskets for the main meats. We had to basically stay up for 24 hours to get them all done. Oh, but so mouth watering worth it! lol


#Foodporn coming at you!

pork butts smoking


Josh fireing up the smoker


meat - pork butts finished


morning is coming


briskets starting to smoke


josh relaxing while smoking meat


briskets are almost done after 15 hours


It is moments like this in my life that give me the greatest joys, being able to spend hours with one of my sons, just one on one, with no distractions. Life can be so amazing!


More pictures from the party.


As a family we are kind a different, if you have been following me for any length of time, you will see we cut loose quite a bit. My Mom and Dad, even though they are 74 years young, they were still up when it was closing time..

I do not remember what time that was..lol

But it was late..

We danced into the the morning, it was so much fun! We got the band to play extra long, think my Mom slipped them a extra hundred..lol

We had so much fun, most of us forgot to take more pictures..lol

My mom loves to take pictures, and I do not think she or my Dad took a one…


Thank you to my Mom and Dad!

Thank you for being such wonderful awesome people, I love you both with every inch of my soul!

You are both truly my heroes, and congrats on 35 amazing years!


So in closing, I just want to say..

Live life, enjoy it while your here, hold nothing back..We are only here for a short time, take advantage of the time you have, spend time with your family and friends, be passionate in everything you do!

Give love to those around you..


If you have any questions or comments, don’t hesitate to post them in the comments section below or just say hello 🙂 I would love to hear from you!

Have a beautiful day, and remember to always be kind and good to others.

Richard Weberg

Richard Weberg

About the author

Life Is Beautiful, Be Amazing In All You Do!

"You Can Either Be In The Parade Of Life Or Watch It Go By"

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