October 24, 2024
My Life's Adventures.
Anyone who knows me personally, knows Richard Weberg never does anything half way. I am a very passionate person who shares very openly. I care deeply and love people.
My family and friends mean the world to me. My wife and kids always joke that I could make friends with a tree stump if I wanted to.
This zest for life carries with me into everything I do. This website will be a reflection of all my life's adventures.
I warning you I can get a little crazy at times!
Business, marketing, parties, camping, fishing, hunting, barbecues, friends, family, get together's, food, health, love, and passion! This is Richard Weberg.. Oh yea and I almost forgot to mention, I love beer!
Want to make some money with me? Let's get you connected to our email then, just put in your information below and get started!
Richard & April Weberg

Learning has been one of my greatest joys, I never stop!
I believe that knowledge truly helps people enrich their lives, and learning has been one of my greatest joys. My passion for learning has enabled me to live a more fulfilled and passionate life. I really want to pass this on to others.
The two books listed below have changed my thinking and my life, and have had such a profound impact on me, I want to share these two books with everyone!
Do not let the titles below deceive you, as these books are not just about gaining monetary riches. The life lessons I learned from these books are priceless!
They are two of the greatest books I have ever read, besides the Bible, and continue to influence my life in many ways. If you have never read them you are truly missing out!
In the old days I also listened to them on cassette tapes. Now they make digital audio books. Click on any image below to grab a copy for your self.
Think And Grow Rich Audio Book
The book‘s philosophy centers around the idea that success in any area of life can be obtained. Napoleon Hill lays out a very detailed road map to getting everything you want out of life.
When you change your thinking, doors will open you never thought possible. There are some discoveries you will make by reading this book, or listening to it on a audio version. I have done both many times, and learn something new every time.
Rich Dad Poor Dad Audio Book
Rich Dad Poor Dad is about Robert Kiyosaki growing up with his two Dads—his real father (poor Dad) and the father of his best friend (rich Dad)—and the ways in which both men shaped his thoughts about money and life.
It is a really great read, and offers some really tremendous insights which you can apply in your own life. I have read this book many times as well. There are some really great personal and financial lessons in this book.
Pursue Your Life With Passion And Purpose, And Your Life Will Be Filled With Happiness!
Some of my more recent ramblings...
July 14, 2024
June 4, 2024
September 15, 2022
June 8, 2022
June 7, 2022
May 10, 2022
September 30, 2021
September 29, 2021
I Love Life!
My first and greatest joy in each and everyday is waking up in the morning, because I know that this is another day I get to experience life and spend time with my family and friends!
My biological father died at 27 from a massive heart attack, so everyday I wake up is another fabulous day! I appreciate every moment in life God gives me..
Many of my relatives on my father side passed away very young as well from heart attacks. I also worked as a nursing assistant when I was just starting out in life, so I have seen my fair share of untimely deaths.
I believe this is one reason why I have became such a passionate person, thinking I might not live that long.
Always Looking For That Opportunity To Make My Life Better.
So I have always been extremely open and willing to take some chances in life. Always looking for that opportunity to make my life better, wanting to experience and live life to the fullest I possibly can.
I have always been open to opportunities, looking for financial prosperity to give my life that freedom to live it MY WAY.
In my ramblings here on https://richardweberg.com/blog/ I will share my passions with you, including my quest for financial prosperity and the vehicles I have used to get there. Mine has been a life long journey, you can read more about here.
Now ask your self this question:
When Opportunity Knocks At Your Door Will Anybody Be Home?
There are only so many times in life that real opportunity will come knocking at the door..
The question will always be, are you ready and willing to open the door?
What is it you truly want to accomplish in your life?
Will you seek it out or just let it pass you by?
I have created this website/blog because it is my mission and passion to inspire others to never give up on their goals and dreams. It is never too late!
I have had many struggles along the way in my own journey but I never gave up, and neither should you!
Life is too short not to give it everything you got!
If you would like to get to know me a little better and learn about my journey and how I became an online marketer then check out my story.
"The reason a lot of people do not recognize opportunity is because it usually goes around wearing overalls looking like hard work." — Thomas A. Edison
Remember to always be kind and good to others..
A Few Of My Favorite Quotes.
"You Can Lead A Horse To Water But You Can Not Make It Drink"
-Old Proverb
"Aspire for progress, hunger for success, and strive for greatness."
-Jon Weberg
"You Can Either Be In The Parade Of Life Or Watch It Go By"
-Richard Weberg
"You shall love your neighbor as yourself"